Leviticus- An Appetizer!

Leviticus- An Appetizer!

By Machelle McDowell

March 19, 2024

I love lobster! I can’t eat it often because it is too expensive, so it might be a birthday treat or result from another year of marital bliss! My husband does not enjoy lobster as much as I do. He thinks it is too much work!

When my lobster is set before me, I dread tearing into it. Where do you even start? I know it is going to be messy, difficult, and ultimately ends up being a lengthy process.

And then….it happens! All that effort and meticulous breaking away of the shell with my metal clamps and out comes a delicious, juicy, succulent piece of meat! Mmmm!

My mouth begins to water in anticipation as I dip it into the melted butter and raise my fork to my mouth. I know what’s coming!!

Reading Leviticus is like eating a lobster, but it is certainly not the feast I have in mind! I dread tearing into it! It is a book of instructions on diet, sacrifices, and even social behavior. It’s the appetizer before the real story unfolds.

Leviticus leaves me in a quandary!  Like the lobster, every part of it is important to leading up to that “awe” inspiring moment! I know what’s coming! I have read the rest of the story!

BUT, that certainly does not make it any easier to read through. The Israelites are awaiting the Messiah!

In this week’s reading we have cracked the shell of some pretty disgusting and unbelievable practices. So many offerings, So many feasts, So much symbolism.

Now, let’s get to the meat of the issue! Why Leviticus?

Even though bizarre to us, this book was meant to instruct the Israelites about proper worship! Showing proper reverence to God is something we all struggle with.  Sanctification is a life long process of becoming Holy! Receiving God’s forgiveness should be followed by holy living and spiritual growth.

These people had not experienced Jesus!  They were still waiting! He made it simple for us and we still mess it up!  Jesus became our perfect sacrifice. He took the punishment we deserved. We do not have to wrestle with the horns of a bull.  We don’t have to touch an animal sacrifice and it become our substitute!

Jesus became that for us! This is the meat of Leviticus:

Learning to worship the God who loved us enough to send the perfect sacrifice that ended all of the practices of offering sacrifices. The one and only sacrifice came JESUS…and it is a done deal!

I compare Leviticus to a delicious lobster meal. I try to treasure every bite and enjoy every morsel. Even though it is a pain to eat I fully enjoy the meal!

I have learned to respect Leviticus! Every chapter in the book points to Jesus and His holiness. I like to think of it as if I am learning attributes of God. Learning to worship God and understand how He feels about sanctification helps me to love His son even more!

The process requires a desire or appetite for God’s Word. Do you yearn to know God more intimately? We must read the whole Bible not just the parts that are not offensive to us or just browse through the New Testament. He gave us His Word for a reason- it all points to Jesus.

When cracking a lobster I usually start with a small pick and a claw cracker. Don’t  just dive into Leviticus. Pray that God blesses the reading of His Word. Pray that He show you something about himself in each verse.

Break it down. I like to twist off the claw of my lobster and break the tail off and lay it aside.  The tail is the prized piece! YUM!

If you read each chapter and spend 5 minutes checking off the block…that is all you are going to get out of it…a checked block.

Make your time with the Lord a delectable experience! Dine with Him! Sup with Him! Enjoy His Word. His Word is meant to fill us.

Psalm 34:8-

“Taste and See that the Lord is Good;

blessed is the one who takes refuge in him.