The Unlikely Vessel

The Unlikely Vessel

The Unlikely Vessel

Machelle McDowell

April 30, 2024

“How, then can they call on the one they have not believed in?  And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard?  And how can they hear without someone preaching to them? And how are they to preach unless they are sent? How beautiful are the feet of those who preach the good news!” (Romans 10:14-15)

We begin in Joshua chapter 2 still waiting to pass over into the Promised Land. But, this time the waiting was for a different reason.

Two spies were being sent out..but why? We already did the spy thing and it didn’t work out to well!

I love this…..
“Those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength”…Isaiah 40:31.
God was working in the background putting pieces of history into place that would impact the world forever! Rahab was a huge piece to this puzzle!

The spies hid at the house of Rahab. Rahab, a prostitute, a Canaanite, a woman…used to provide protection for God’s men…what an unlikely vessel.

These men knew exactly where they were going. Don’t you find it odd that there was no discussion on which direction to head? God apparently had already laid out the plan!

They had a plan in place and they carried it out. Joshua 2:1- “They went and came into the house of a prostitute whose name was Rahab.”

One might think negative thoughts about these men hiding there…but, I tend to believe in my heart these actions were ordained by God! I truly believe there was no hanky panky that went down in that house!

Rehab believed in God! How do I know this?  Her actions spoke loudly! What an unlikely vessel for God to use to spread his name amongst the pagans. His first convert in the Promised Land! Rahab allied herself with the God of Israel!

Can’t you envision her in a posture of praise! Her hands were open and her palms up just waiting for God to bless her!

This woman was confident in knowing that God had given the Israelites the land! She was willing to commit treason and possibly be killed for her actions. What an act of love.

She also goes on to say in verse Joshua 2:11: “And as soon as we heard it, our hearts melted-for the Lord your God, He is God in the heavens above and on the earth beneath.” God loves the Jew and the Gentile!

I couldn’t help but ask, “How did she come to believe?” She grew up in a pagan land filled with idol worship. Her career choice certainly did not reflect one of Christianity.

I’m quite sure-(very unlikely) that she heard about God through a Priest or a priestly family. I envision she heard testimonies from traveling Nomads filled with awe of His fame and miracles and made mention of what they heard and possibly saw. Incredible stories that could only reflect God’s hand in them all, to the point of BELIEF!

Oh, the beautiful feet of those who carry the good news! How ironic…Rahab, the unlikely vessel heard about God through other unlikely vessels!

But, we cannot take away the role of God’s spirit and how He aligned this historical event that took place and would be mentioned years later! Praise God for unlikely vessels, right? Amen.

All in the same day, Rahab lost her identity as a prostitute and gained a royal spot in the lineage of David, because of her faith. Her faith in God’s promises is an example to us that we can have faith in God’s promises, too.

We cannot take lightly or dismiss the passion she showed her family. She had a desire for her family to be saved! She pleads on their behalf in versus 12-13 to the extent it is worth mentioning as well as her faith!

The promise was to rescue Rahab and her family from the coming judgment against Jericho if she protected the Israelites spies. And God keeps His promises!

I like to think of the red cord she used that lowered the spies down through the window was a symbol of the connection she had to our mighty God. She trusted that cord would bring her and her family saving grace.

WELCOME Rahab to a front row seat on the row of faith found in Hebrews 11:31! Not bad for an unlikely vessel, huh?

ROMANS 10:14-15 came to life in my mind when reading this chapter. What a picture of the Great Commission! How very important it is for us to be the megaphone that heralds the gospel for the world to hear!

Praises to our God who continues to choose unlikely vessels to complete his mission on earth. How beautiful are the feet of those who preach the good news!